Questions to Ask Your Crush, Animal Trivia, and Moral Dilemmas

Not one but THREE new conversation starter categories are now available in the free Party Qs app.

Party Qs just released three new categories of questions!

  1. Crush

  2. Moral Dilemmas

  3. Animal Trivia

Try them out in the free Party Qs app on web, iOS or Android! Keep reading for a little bit about, and examples of, these new question packs by Party Qs.

Questions to Ask Your Crush

Crush was the most user requested topic. So we researched, developed, and hand-picked 50 of the best questions to ask your crush.

Watch out! This category might make you fall in love.

Crush Questions come with butterflies. In your stomach. It's intense.

You'll get to know your "him" or your "her" better by discovering new thoughts and feelings about your crush that you wouldn't normally encounter in your day-to-day lives.

Here’s what you can expect

11 Examples of Crush Questions in Party Qs:

  1. When do you think kissing is appropriate?

  2. What do you think about having faith?

  3. What food are you great at making?

  4. What’s an instant turnoff?

  5. Poor but in love or rich but free?

  6. Pick a celebrity for each: give you a motivational speech, watch your kids, go on a date.

  7. Are you more of a routine person or spontaneous person?

  8. What helps you through challenging times?

  9. What have you changed your mind on recently?

  10. What’s more important to you: reading books or physical activity?

  11. What is a strength of yours that not too many people know about?

Heads up: this is a paid category ($0.99) but the two others are free.

Animal Trivia Questions

We love them.

We fear them.

We share the world with them.

But how much do you know about them?

Test your knowledge and spark interesting conversations with this new category all about animals around the world.

Here’s a little taste:

10 Examples of Animal Trivia Questions in Party Qs:

  1. Which animal has fingerprints that are almost identical to humans?

  2. What is the only mammal that can fly?

  3. What is the largest living land animal?

  4. Which animal is known as the "ship of the desert"?

  5. What is the only bird that can swim but not fly?

  6. What is the name for a group of giraffes?

  7. What is the national animal of Canada?

  8. What is the only mammal that can breathe through its anus?

  9. What is the world's largest fish?

  10. What is the fastest bird in the world?

Moral Dilemmas

Stretch your worldview with these difficult questions that have no right answers.

These philosophical conundrums will bamboozle even the staunchest moral stalwart.

Hope you like to debate!

Shoot me an email if you like these or don’t care for them

Give them a try here:

10 Examples of Moral Dilemma Questions in Party Qs:

  1. Your home is attacked by an unarmed attacker. You, however, are very armed. The attacker isn't stopping. Do you attack the attacker?

  2. Should a teenager using Snapchat, Instagram, or TikTok have their social media use monitored?

  3. While ghosting someone is not the nicest of ways to end a relationship, is it morally wrong?

  4. Is it ever compassionate to withhold information from a loved one with Alzheimer's?

  5. Should you follow the truth or be loyal to a friend?

  6. What's more important: following laws or rules or having compassion for an individual?

  7. A bank system error ends up with you accidentally receiving a check for $15,000. Do you cash it or return it?

  8. You are driving on a busy highway and you see a dog in your lane straight ahead seconds away, but your car is hemmed in and flanked on all sides by other vehicles. Do you hit the dog or cause an accident?

  9. You and your family are on a plane but armed hijackers have taken over. It sounds like they're going to crash it. Do you try to fight them or spend your final minutes with your family?

  10. Is there such thing as "too" much honesty at work?


160 Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend That He Will Actually Like Answering


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